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Clinical and sociodemographic profile of women with breast cancer in a public hospital in the center west of Brazil


Breast cancer is a global public health problem, being the most common type of malignant neoplasm in women, with a risk of death and the main cause of malignant diseases worldwide in total numbers. This led us to consider the importance of investigating possible new prognostic factors, related to those already established in breast neoplasms. Investigating new possible prognostic factors related to subtypes, clinical stages and treatment in the plasma of women diagnosed with breast cancer could help us, mainly, in distinguishing tumors and directing therapy. This research is part of the Doctoral Program in Medicine at the University of Brasília.


The objective of the study was to identify the clinical and sociodemographic profile of patients diagnosed with breast cancer in a public hospital. The question that guided this study was: What has been the clinical and sociodemographic prevalence of women with breast cancer?


The study is being carried out with 69 patients from a reference Public Hospital in the Federal District of Brazil.


This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. Data were collected from the public hospital database, using an instrument created by the researcher.


Of the 69 women with breast cancer, 71% prevailed in women over 50 years of age, with an average of 61 years. It was identified that the majority of patients, 71.0%, were over 50 years old, 15% of them were between 45 and 50 years old and 13% were between 32 and 44 years old. The incidence of breast cancer in women increases with advancing age, that is, the older the age, the greater the risk potential, which makes prevention significant in the groups observed as risk factors and incidents. Age is a determining risk factor for the recurrence of breast cancer and early assessment, whether through self-examination, imaging or even biopsy, assists in diagnosis and contributes to the prevention of the disease and unfavorable outcomes. The increased incidence in younger women, highlighted by this research, reflects the possibility of factors associated with lifestyle, fewer children, later pregnancy, inadequate diet, sedentary lifestyle and excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption, warning of more severe tumors. aggressive, more undifferentiated and with worse prognoses, contributing to a worse outcome.


The prevalence was the diagnosis in EC II and the distribution associated with metastasis was significantly higher in those who did not present metastasis, whether lymph node or distant. It is intended to advance and develop two groups (non-metastatic and another group of metastatic patients), including metastases to lymph nodes and/or visceral; compare the expressions of these microRNAS and also analyze the association with already established breast cancer prognostic factors.

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Conflitos de interesse

Palavras Chave

MicroRNAs; Breast Neoplasia; Predictive Value of Tests; Prognostic Factors.


Oncogenética / Cirurgias Profiláticas


Larissa Fernanda Campos Moreira da Silva