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Plasma miRNA expression in breast cancer patients, an integrative review


Breast Cancer is a worldwide public health problem and the most common type of malignant neoplasm and tumor (11.6%) in women, with a risk of life of 12.5%, being also the leading cause of death from malignant diseases in the Western world. Although screening and advances in breast cancer treatment have improved survival, more than 50% of patients relapse. Breast tumor is a multifactorial disease influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Thus, identifying women at high risk for recurrence and those who benefit from adjuvant therapy is critical.


To describe the different levels of MicroRNA in patients with breast cancer, especially those at high risk. A question was created to guide this study: What is the meaning of different levels of microRNA in patients with remission, newly diagnosed, and metastatic breast cancer?


15 articles were selected for this study.


This was an Integrative Literature Review. Paired investigations were performed by different authors. Thus, search forms were based on Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), MEDLINE (Via PubMed), Scientific Electronic Libraly Online (SciELO), Web of Science, Scopus and EBSCOHost. Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” were applied. The keywords of the research and Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) were established by crossing the databases by those in the Portuguese language: Breast Neoplasia; microRNAs; Predictive Value of Tests and Prognostic Factors in Spanish: Breast Neoplasia; microRNA; Predictive value of two tests and prognostic factors. In English, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were used: Breast Neoplasia, microRNAs, Predictive Value of the Tests, and Prognostic Factors. The inclusion criteria were as follows: complete and available texts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, women over 19 years old, and articles published in 2005-2023. The reports were selected by title and abstract; then, they were read in full, resulting in 15 articles. The exclusion criteria included the following: gray literature, books, conference calls, letters to editors, and case reports.


About of study publications’ yeas, the prevalence occurred in the years 2019 and 2022, represented by (26.66%) in each year, followed by the years 2016 and 2018 (13.33%) with similar numbers of publications, but to a lesser extent and finally, the years 2013, 2015 and 2005, in which the number of publications was much smaller in relation to the theme (6.6%). Through this study, it was possible to ascertain that regarding the language of the publications (100%) were in English. As for publication locations, the majority were international research from countries such as China (33.3%), followed by Europe with Greece (13.33%), Portugal (13.33%), Spain (6.66%). %), similarly, Italy (6.66%), in addition to them, in the northeast of Africa, Egypt, which is equal to Portugal with the representation of (13.33%), finally, the United States of America (6.66%).


It is concluded that MicroRNAs as biomarkers are promising both for diagnosis and for monitoring treatments and responses. Multicenter studies on the topic will contribute to women's health policies and assist in individualized treatment.

Palavras Chave

Breast Neoplasm; MicroRNAs; Predictive Value of Tests; Prognostic Factors.


Oncogenética / Cirurgias Profiláticas


Larissa Fernanda Moreira da Silva