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Epidemiological Data on Pap Smear Exams in Relation to Women's Age Groups in Rio de Janeiro State from 2014 to 2024.


In 2020, over 500,000 women worldwide were diagnosed with cervical cancer, and approximately 340,000 died from the disease. The importance of prevention and screening to prevent possible tumor development through exams such as Pap smears is undeniable. In this sense, there is a significant difference in groups of women with different age groups in performing this test, since the main recommendation is for women between 25 and 64 years old.


The objective of this study is to investigate the number of women who undergo Pap smears in relation to age group in the state of Rio de Janeiro from 2014 to 2024.




This is a descriptive cross-sectional study whose data were collected from the Cancer Information System - SISCAN (cervix and breast) / DataSUS. In the search filter, "Patients by Year Result" by "Age Group" was applied, from 2014 to 2024. Data from "ignored" was excluded due to lack of statistical relevance. As a complement to the analysis, Excel was used.


As a first analysis, the total number of women who underwent the exam from 2022 (N= 211,279) to 2023 (N= 496,120) showed a significant increase. Women over 65 years old represent 7.55% of the total number of women. However, compared to 2014 to 2024, there was an increase of over 100% in the number of exams performed. For the year 2020, there was a reduction in the number in all age groups due to the pandemic, however 2021 in all age groups showed a significant increase in the number of exams greater than in all previous years. It is undeniable that among the group of female individuals analyzed, the group of older women is the one that performs Pap smears the least. This presents a serious issue, since more than 20% of people diagnosed with cervical cancer are over 65 years old, which is not compatible with the percentage of women who have exams annually. Furthermore, in the year of the pandemic, screening coverage was lower, leading to the possibility of increased tumor development during this period. In addition, it is noticeable the increase in the number in the age group of young women between 10 and 19 years old, since this is the age for adherence to doses against infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is capable of developing cervical cancer.


Adherence to exams each year has been increasing in each age group, however there is still a discrepancy for the group of women over 65 years old, having a good relevance in the percentage of cervical cancer diagnosis in this age group. In short, it is extremely important for all females to have these exams annually, since tumor development is not restricted to just one age group. Thus, it will guarantee quality health and better prevention for tumors and any type of lesion.

Palavras Chave

Papsmear; RioDeJaneiro; Age


Prevenção / Rastreamento


Universidade Federal Fluminense - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil


Letícia Kethelyn Bickel, Tácira Karoline Nascimento